We are a team that is inspired by Vision, driven by Mission and underpinned by Values.
To revolutionize how IoT-assited communication is used by the human race for computer gaming and in the long run exterminate poverty on the planet.
At any time, we will try to beat a chosen computer game on maximum difficulty.
To coordinate communication is not an task to be taken lightly, therefore, in the pursuit of completing Divinity Original Sin: 2 Dark Souls III , we pledge to always follow our core values: Respec, Challenge, Achievement and Renewal.
Respect the respec. If the current spec is not following our need of uncompromized integrity and the need of having fun, we will respec and change the path to reach the goal.
What doesn't kill you makes you more vigorous. We will always choose the most challenging path with relentless dicipline. We will not bow for unchallenging tasks with no opportunity for personal growth.
Creative risk-taking is essential to success in any goal where the stakes are high. We will always try to take the creative, innovative route rather than the safe route on the road to success
Out with the old, in with the new. When we have completed a game it is time for renewal. On the third day after completion, as the divine prophets foretold, we will take on another cooperative challenge.